This Is Why You Can't Have A Beautiful St Augustine Lawn On A Lakefront Property!

This Is Why You Can't Have A Beautiful St Augustine Lawn On A Lakefront Property!
Did you know that state and federal restrictions on pesticides means that you can't have a beautiful lakefront St Augustine lawn – at least not without risking your health. On today's edition of the DIY Naturepest Podcast, integrated pest control management professional Franklin 'The Pestgeek' Hernandez explains pesticide laws and how they impact lakefront property owners with St Augustine lawns. Lakefront properties place two important restrictions on pest control services.. We're going to talk about the different types of pesticides and how they can affect your property, and we'll discuss ways to avoid getting caught up in the restrictive laws.

We have serviced this lakefront property for well over a decade but we have never been able to fix some issues with this beautiful lawn lined with over 30 palm trees. Ten to fifteen feet from the water, it is illegal to treat this lawn with fertilizer and the problems are clearly visible: weeds. Florida and federal laws do not allow insecticides nor fungicides to be sprayed within ten to 15 feet from a body of water. Another issue is the fact that the lawn is being 'scalped' (mowed at 1 inch length). The optimum length should be at least three inches.

It should be noted, however, that chemicals do not make the grass green. What makes grass green is proper cultural care.

5 things that every lawn needs to grow successfully:

-right plant in the right place (correct growing environment)

-right amount of irrigation

-right mowing frequency

-right mowing height

-sharp blade

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